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Fear Series | Part Two | The fear of Rejection!

Fear Series | Part Two | The fear of Rejection!

It’s simply impossible to think that you will please everyone and you will never irritate anyone in your life. You can’t even please yourself more than half the time.

When do we encounter this 🥵 FEAR!!

FEAR stands for- False Evidence Appearing Real.

FEAR is an illusion. That you’re going to experience more challenge than support, more pain than pleasure, or more loss than gain in some time in the future.😱

🔸We hold ourselves back from expressing our true selves or the things we want or love doing most, due to the fear of what others would think about us or the fear of facing rejection.😰

🔹We block ourselves from expressing our true authentic selves and stop ourselves from believing in our own vision. We instead start limiting our own dreams to fit into others’ vision and values, so that we are appreciated.

👉But in reality, it leaves us feeling more dissatisfied 😭 as it’s difficult to please everyone.

If there is a choice between annoying others 😡 or feeling miserable myself😭, I would choose to have the whole world against me. As I would rather stay true to myself and my 💫soul.

A perfect balance ⚖️ of rejection and acceptance will exist no matter in what stage of life you are in. When we acknowledge that rejection is only half of the reality and acceptance is the other half, we free ourselves from overreacting whenever we perceive some form of rejection.

Taken from the teachings of Dr. John Demartini

Wishing you an Inspiring and fulfilling week ahead.

The fear of not being smart enough!

The fear of not being smart enough!

We sometimes believe that we don’t have the mental 🧠 intelligence to fulfil our life’s purpose.

▪️This thought 🤔 crosses our mind when we are convinced that another person 👤possesses more knowledge, creativity, imagination or education📚 than we do. However, making ourselves inferior🤏 to them only shrinks us and prevents us from discovering our true self.

🔹The truth is you too have a great 🧠mind. When you notice someone with a sharp intellect, instead of minimizing yourself, ask yourself 🤔:

Where do I equally display/demonstrate the greatness of my mind?
(You could be displaying it in the same or similar form or in different areas of your life, that are most important to you.)

Remember YOU possess all the traits that you admire or dislike in others, it’s just that YOU are too blinded with your one-sided perception that it’s not visible to you.

Through each of these Wisdom Sunday’s in the coming weeks, I would like you to identify 🕯️ which one of these fears is currently preventing you from pursuing your inspired destiny.

You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.
-By Dale Carnegie

In case you would wish to overcome these FEARS for YOURSELF or YOUR LOVED ONES, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Answering the age old question, what is love?

Answering the age old question, what is love?


For centuries we have been promising to love and live with complementary opposites – for better and worse, in sickness and health, richer and poorer…….

Love 💕is the fusion of complementary opposites. The opposites being (peace and war, good and bad, love and hatred, up and down, happy and sad).

▪️The principles shared here today are applicable to any relationship 👩‍❤️‍👩 whether it’s with your partner, children, friends, colleagues, customers, clients or secret lovers, or even your relationship with yourself.

Loving self 🥰 is a prerequisite to loving others. WHY??

▪️Everything you see in others (positive or negative, good or bad) is a reflection of what actually exists within you, though you may be too humble or proud to admit it.

If you love yourself 🥰 for all the (good and the bad, positive and the negative) you are more likely to love 😍 others for all that they are (the positive and the negative, the good or the bad) because you stop projecting or setting expectations on them to be the perfect individual who you have fantasied about.

You accept yourself and the others as a WHOLE 🤗 ( the good, the bad, the positive, and the negative) without wishing to change anything in yourself or them. This is TRUE LOVE.♥️

🔹Many people are stuck or entangled in the web🕸️ that ONLY HAPPINESS 🌻 makes a ‘good’ or a ‘successful’ relationship.💫

Seeking only ‘HAPPINESS’ 🌻 in a relationship is a one-sided perception that is delusional.

▪️During the infatuation 😍 phase, you only see one side of the coin- the attraction, positives, and happily ever after. This phenomenon of having a one-sided perception of only positives is called the ‘pink-lens effect’. 🤩

🔹Once the ‘pink-lens effect’ * 🤩 wears off, you see *ONLY the negatives, which is also false. This imbalanced perspective of one-sidedness is not TRUE LOVE.

To experience TRUE LOVE ♥️ you need to avoid extreme emotional charges of 🤩 infatuation and 😡resentment.

🔶This doesn’t erase the ups and downs, tick-tock of emotions but makes you more neutral, objective, and poised to react and take decisions from a balanced mindset.

Taken from the teachings of Dr. John Demartini

Wishing you an Inspiring and fulfilling week ahead.

Fear of making your loved ones angry

Fear of making your loved ones angry

Are you AFRAID 😱 to tell your loved ones what you really want to do in life?


Are you AFRAID 😱 that if you expressed or revealed your true desire, goal, mission, or purpose in life, you may be rejected or lose respect 😥 from the people most important to you?

🔹As a result of this Fear of Making Your Loved Ones Angry or Losing Their Respect, you hold back your true desires 😞 because in your perception expressing your true self may result in a backlash of rejection, more pain, more disadvantages than advantages and lack of respect from them.

Moving away from things most important to you, further builds frustration and resentment towards others and self.😡

Let me explain this through a story!!👇

A young Japanese 🇯🇵 guy was struggling in his business. Whatever profit he made, 60% of his income 💰was sent to his parents in Japan. He, his wife, and baby 👶 were living on almost nothing because he was too afraid to lose his parent’s respect if he did not hand over his income.

When his wife 👵insisted that it was not possible to survive this way, he asked Dr. John Demartini for advice.

Demartini helped him identify that he was caught ⛓️ up in the social norm or cultural idealism, rather than being true to himself about his current situation.

He advised him to have an open and clear discussion with his 👫🏻 parents and to his surprise his parents 👫🏻 were very understanding and instructed him not to send any money 💸 until he got himself on his feet.

This relieved him of the pressure of expectations, and he was able to focus on his business plan and achieve great success.🤑

🔸The moral of the story is not to sacrifice yourself or your 🌜dreams, for how your loved ones would perceive your actions, but to be 💯 true and authentic to yourself to pursue your purpose in life. ♥️

When we are true to ourselves, the people we love ❣️turn into who we want them to be.

If you wish or aspire to overcome this fear, please do get in touch with me.

Taken from the teachings of Dr. John Demartini.

Wishing you an Inspiring and fulfilling week ahead.

The one-step secret to lead an inspired and fulfilling life!

The one-step secret to lead an inspired and fulfilling life!

What is the One-step secret to lead an inspired and fulfilling life you have been dreaming about?

➡️ Is it finding your perfect job?
➡️ Landing that big promotion?
➡️ Finding my life partner?
➡️ Improving my marriage?
➡️ Taking time out for traveling?
➡️ Spending time in pursuing spiritual practice?

If You agree, then read on…

▪️Anyone of these actions mentioned above may help you lead a well-rounded life, but none of them alone will help you to lead an inspired life or help you fulfill your destiny.

Why? 🤔

🔹Until I understand what I value most, what truly inspires me most, who I truly am, and what’s my purpose in life, I am most likely to live my life by other’s priorities. Who could be your parent, spouse, boss, or even your kids? 👨👨👧👧

This is a recipe for🔥 frustration and resentment. 😡

But some may argue and say “I am partly aware of my values or my priorities”, so what is the significance here?

🔺Lack of awareness and appreciation for our priorities can prevent us from FULLY accessing our TRUE POTENTIAL, which could help us CREATE a career, which feels like a vacation, take our relationships to a completely new level, unlock our hidden genius, and experience abundant energy and liveliness.

You already have everything within you to create an extraordinary life. 😃💫

The key 🗝️ is to know your values or your priorities and use them to determine your goals. 🥅 (craft your life)

May you have an inspiring week ahead! 💡

What are values and what aren’t!

What are values and what aren’t!

For most people qualities like honesty, integrity and religious beliefs are values.

🔹They are not your PERSONAL values, since these values have been imposed on you through society idealism or external authority, who project the way 👉“you should”, “you ought to” or “you have to” behave, to be socially acceptable.

Examples of “social Idealism” statements:
▪️You should be kind and honest.
▪️You have to be a giver, rather than a taker.
▪️You ought to put your in-laws and family needs above yours.
▪️You should be educated, employed, or married.

🔹The difference is PERSONAL values are your internal compass🧭 or your true north star⭐ pointing towards activities, people, and places that make you feel fulfilled and nourished. These personal values are as unique to you as your fingerprints 🖐🏻and your 👁️‍🗨️retinal pattern.

No outside authority like a parent, teacher, religious figure can define your values.

Only you can look inside your heart and soul❤️ and discover, what is truly most important to you and what you would want to be known for.

For example :
▪️If you value spending time, caring, and nurturing for your family, then you would want to be known as an amazing mother👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 or a homemaker.
▪️If You may enjoy 🎨 painting or playing basketball⛹️ , you would want to be known as a painter/ basketball player.
▪️If you enjoy establishing a business or 💰creating wealth, then you would want to be known as an entrepreneur or a wealth builder.

Therefore, our identity, decisions, and actions are all based on our values or things most important to us.

“We all want to be loved and appreciated for who we are and who we are is an expression of our highest priorities”
Dr. John Demartini

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